Thursday, October 25, 2012

Expert Health Advice During and After Pregnancy

Dr Shobha Mathur, an eminent Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist shares her knowledge on precautions and steps that a woman should take during her journey from a woman to motherhood

If you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy, there is some information that you must know for a fulfilling childbirth. Pregnancy is a joyful period in a woman's life. At the end of these nine months, your life is going to change forever. Your job for this crucial period is to take care of your own body and that of the unborn baby. We tell you how?

Preparing for it
Be sure to consult a doctor immediately on missing a period. Go for all the routine blood test including thyroid. Also, get a hemoglobin electrophoresis blood test for yourself and the partner to detect any thalassemia defects. Start taking folic acid supplements even before you conceive to prevent congenital deformity (down's syndrome) in the baby.
6 Natural Ways to Pamper Your Pregnancy

Keep in mind
" Mothers suffering from Hypothyroidism must continue taking their doses during pregnancy as well. If this problem is detected during pregnancy then should start the medication immediately. Otherwise, it can lead to abortion and low IQ in babies.
" While bleeding in early pregnancy can lead to abortion, it is a threat to both baby and the mother in the last trimester.
" If the mother experiences acute pain in lower abdomen after missing a period, it is important to get tested for ectopic pregnancy through an ultrasound. This is an emergency condition that requires hospitalization.
" Ultrasound and MRI are safe in pregnancy while XRAY and CT scan are harmful and their use during pregnancy should only be judicious.

You and Your baby

Talk to your partner, relatives or friends to find the best-suited places for your delivery. Prepare for a couple of days for an institutional delivery. A hygienic hospital with a curtained off labour room is a perfect choice. Keep a hospital bag handy with all the important records, nightgown, slippers, hair ties, dressing gown and phone.

Rush to the hospital on observing any of the following:

" Labour Pains: It is a signal of culmination of your pregnancy. The mother feels a pain that starts from back and reaches the front. Mostly, it is felt at a gap of 30 minutes.
" Any bleeding with or without pain.
" Watery discharge from vagina due to rupture of amniotic sac, even if there is no pain.
" Decrease in fetal movements, less than 12 in 12 hours indicating baby is not well inside.

Arrival of a healthy baby

Seeking advice from friends on how to take care of a newborn may not give you all the information you want. Everyone's experience is as individualistic as it can get. But, here are some answers to your after birth concerns:

Hygiene and Baby care
" Whether you had a normal delivery or caesarean section you must immediately start breast-feeding.
" Keep the baby warm and do not bathe the baby immediately after birth.
" Wet wipes must be used for cleaning.
" During summers, do not cover the baby much as their soft skin has the tendency to develop rashes or fever.
" Room temperature should be just enough to make the baby comfortable.
" Avoid crowded places and do not allow visitors too early. Both mother and baby are susceptible to infection post-delivery for 45 days.

Mother Care- Hygiene Tips
" Have a balanced diet. Continue taking iron and calcium supplements for 6 weeks. Calcium should be continued till you are lactating.
" Daily bath is recommended unless advised otherwise.
" Start light exercises immediately after birth but strenuous ones only after 6 weeks. After 3 months you are in perfect health to undertake any work.
" Breast-feed the baby on baby's demand. Ideally it can be half hour every 3-4 hours. The baby does not need water for 6 months if breast-fed adequately.
" Take good care of your nipples. Apply petroleum jelly to keep them soft. Clean before feeding and apply cream.
" If there is breast enlargement, see a doctor. It may lead to breast abscess.

Enjoying the new status of motherhood brings along a lot of responsibility. Do not exhaust yourself. Prioritize between household chores, baby time and office folders. Do not be shy to ask someone for help. Good Luck!

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