Sunday, November 11, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of your husband being in the delivery room

Advantages and disadvantages of your husband being in the delivery room

Giving birth will be the most difficult and joyful phase in your married life. You will experience painful moments and your husband will be worried and concerned about your safety until the baby is born safe and sound, making this event the happiest ever.
Your husband can support you by joining you in the delivery room to provide moral and psychological support, making it easier for you to go through labour and give birth to the newborn. However, he must understand the delivery phases and changes that you will experience, so that he is not shocked. A lot of women may feel very exhausted and your husband needs to remain rational.
Critics argue that men should not be present in the delivery room as they have no active role in the birth of the child. The most important role of the husband is to give moral and emotional support and remain calm. But this is not always easy.
Some men may be repulsed by seeing his wife give birth. There are large amounts of blood, and excrement and gas will be released by the woman during childbirth. In some cases, the sight of this can have a negative impact on the intimate relationship between you and your husband afterwards.
You should feel free to discuss any matter with your husband before the delivery of the baby and decide together if he will be in the delivery room with you. In most cases, your husband will be able to support you through this event, both joyful and difficult

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