Sunday, November 11, 2012

Message in a bottle

When you find you are pregnant, everything is suddenly different. The things you wanted for yourself don't seem as important as they did.
You are swept into a stream of preparation. Where will my baby sleep, how much clothes will she need, which doctor will help deliver him, is it a boy or a girl?
OK, so you have thought of all the above. The nursery is ready, the baby clothes neatly folded in the closet, and the hospital suitcase ready by the front door.
What will you do now? Some moms-to-be will meet other expectant mothers so they could talk about what they're going through. Some will take long baths and just try to relax.
But you've always liked to be different. You want to do more for your baby.
How about writing him or her letters? You could write so many things, like how much you loved being pregnant, all the preparation you've done, and your hopes and wishes for your child.
Imagine that someday, when he turns eighteen, or when she becomes a mum herself, you'll have these letters to give.
But remember, if you write letters for your first child, you have to keep the tradition going. We don't want any partiality even before your next children are born!
For an older child, you could write telling him about all the funny things he did, his favorite toys and books, and his first words.
It's sort of a baby record but in the form of a letter, so you can add a narrative of your feelings and emotions. This way it would be more personalized, and your child will appreciate later on the extra effort you made.
One way to remind yourself to write these letters is to write one on each of your child's birthdays. Maybe dad or other family members would like to add a few comments.
I wrote the following letter when I was pregnant with my first son. I hope it will give you ideas so you can write your own letters.
Dear son,
Right now, you are in my tummy. You are wiggling here and there and I can feel you very clearly. Anyone can see my tummy moving by itself and it's very funny.
I like feeling you move, and I look forward to it when you have been quiet for a while. The first time I saw you on the ultrasound scan, you were as big as an olive! Now, you are a full baby just gaining weight until you are ready to be born.
Your dad and I are very excited about you, and counting the days until you come. Your dad was so happy the day I told him I was pregnant.
I will never forget how he kept asking me over and over again: 'Are you sure?'  It seems like we're talking about you all the time. Starting from what we'll call you, through which school you'll go to and even wondering which sports you will like.
We have bought lots of nice things for you, and you have already received some gifts. I visit my doctor every three weeks so I can see you, and make sure everything is alright. I spend most of my time reading about baby care so I can take care of you when you come.
Your grandparents are so excited about you and will be helping me a lot.
Many of my friends are pregnant too, so you will have plenty of friends of the same age. Having you transforms us from just a couple to a family. Our focus has suddenly changed from ourselves to you.
Your dad and I promise we will do our best as parents. Like all parents, we want you to be better than both of us. But we will not push you into being what you aren't.
We will leave space for you to be as you like to be and will always be there for you. We hope to teach you compassion, patience, responsibility, and honesty. We know we have to be role models in the process. We realize its not going to be easy, but we are ever so grateful for this gift from God.

Love always,

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