Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sports massage and benefits when expecting

Sports massage and benefits when expecting

As you enter the final stage of the third trimester, your baby will be growing to the size of a small apple. Before 12 weeks is up, you’re still in the miscarriage danger zone so make sure you’re listening to your body and following up any queries with your doctor. For most women, nausea peaks in the third month, before gradually starting to subside. So if you’re in the thick of it now, remind yourself that it won’t be long before you’re feeling great. (Or at least not as queasy.)

Great ideas for the third month of pregnancy include different types of yoga and relaxation exercises. If you’re not feeling your best you should avoid your usual sports and concentrate on breathing techniques that come with yoga and Pilates. Not only will it keep you stress free, it’ll also help you to control sickness. Sports massage it also a good idea for a treat during this stage of pregnancy. It’ll calm you down and some experts believe it can even boost your immune system- perfect for those feeling a bit run down.

To prepare for your babies arrival, Kegel exercises are very important. By strengthening and toning the muscles of the pelvic floor, you can help get your body ready for the stress of delivery (and ensure they return to their former shape after wards.) The great thing about Kegel exercises is that you can start doing them at any time during your pregnancy and they won’t require any energy. You can even do them whilst you’re watching TV in the evening.

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