Sunday, November 11, 2012

Physical Changes in the ninth month

Physical Changes in the ninth month

Here you are at the last phase of your pregnancy. In a few weeks you will be holding your baby in your arms. Once you have reached the ninth month, your belly will look much bigger lower down due to the fetus changing position as it heads towards the bottom of the uterus. During this month, you will experience many physical and psychological changes including:
- Change in the activity of the fetus. He will be moving more but kicking less.
- Contractions of your feet muscles during sleep.
- Increased back pain.
- Pain in the pelvis and buttocks.
- Increased swelling in the hands, feet and face.
- Itchy belly.
- Difficulty sleeping.
- Increased uterus contractions.
- Feeling a lack of activity at times and then an excess of activity at other times.
- Easier breathing due to the fetus position heading towards the bottom.
- Loss of appetite.
- Colostrum secretion from the breasts.
Psychological and emotional symptoms include:
- Feeling anxious and concerned and then happy and joyful.
- Distracted, lack of focus and forgetful.
- Impatient and oversensitive.

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