Monday, November 12, 2012

What About Teeth Whitening

What About Teeth Whitening

Have you wondered for so long why your teeth have an undertone of yellow although you have been brushing them day and night. Its because you have been consuming foods, beverages tobacco for so long that caused your teeth to appear in that color that you so much hate.
Obtaining whiter teeth can be accomplished in several ways: bonding, porcelain laminates (veneers), porcelain crowns, and bleaching. Bleaching is the only one of these techniques that changes the color of the teeth without affecting their physical structure. It is certainly the most popular way of getting whiter teeth, and it is also the least expensive, involving the least expenditure of time in the dental chair.
Many of us consider Teeth whitening or bleaching  as the solution to stained teeth but there are always a hundred questions in one’s mind that makes it feel like a hassle, is it  safe , is it  effective , is it expensive , is it a one time job, is it easy ?
All these questions and more are laid down for you here with their selected answers, so check out those Q A ‘s to help set your mind out .
What causes tooth discoloration? 
There are many causes. The most common include consumption of foods, coffee, tea, wine, sodas, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and smoking. The stain color results from a chemical reaction occurring in the plaque.
Other causes of discoloration could be due to certain childhood illnesses, medications, physical trauma (these aren’t responsive to  bleaching treatment ), old fillings as well as aging that may even contribute towards the darkening of your teeth.
In other words, our teeth naturally get more and more stained as time goes on and as we continue to live our lives.
Is this procedure for everyone? 
Almost everyone wanting to whiten their teeth can benefit from teeth bleaching including people with severe food, coffee, tobacco or tetracycline stains.
Teeth lightening is ideal for people who have healthy, un-restored teeth and would like a whiter, brighter smile nevertheless Tetracycline discolorations and artificial dental work are usually not greatly responsive to dental bleaching.
However, there are some cases where treatment may not be recommended. People with a history of TMJ problems, extreme thermal sensitivity to hot and cold food or drinks and those with numerous fracture lines in the teeth may not be good candidates
How old do you have to be?
Currently, the minimum age is 14 years old, with clinical proof of safety and effectiveness. Young adults 14+ are good candidates for the procedure, particularly if they have heavy staining after orthodontic treatment is complete and their braces are removed. However, there is no age limit for teeth whitening since the procedure was originally created for older people whose teeth were stained over the years.
Is It Safe?
Yes, Whitening your teeth, under the supervision of your dentist, has been proven safe in clinical studies over a period of many years.

The primary ingredient used in whitening gel is Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide with concentration that ranges between 10% and 16% has been safely used to brighten the smiles of millions of people worldwide.  Make sure the whitening product used on you has the American dental association’s (ADA) seal of approval.
It was found conclusively that the treatment resulted in no structural change in teeth, no adverse impact on filings, and no softening in tooth enamel. Additionally, only licensed dentists and properly trained dental professionals perform this procedure which further ensures your safety.
So, it is not harmful to your teeth nor does it change your teeth's basic structure. Your tooth enamel is not altered
What is the treatment procedure?
First, the dentist will qualify you for the procedure after examining your teeth, after that the dentist will examine your teeth and gums to assure good oral health. Old fillings may need to be replaced and/or decayed areas treated and filled.
Because the gel can cause soft tissue sensitivity, the gums exposed roots must first be isolated using a barrier material––a liquid rubber dam or a hardened resin.
An impression of your teeth will be taken to guarantee proper fit of the custom fabricated bleaching trays for the procedure. The fabricated thin, soft plastic trays provide sufficient comfort while bleaching.
Once the tray is made, the whitening gel is placed in these thin com¬fortable trays and fitted over your teeth and the professional teeth whitening light device will be positioned over your teeth to activate gel accelerate the oxidation process.
As you whiten your teeth, carbamide peroxide is broken down and oxygen enters the enamel and dentin. This bleaches out the discolored areas.
Three successive doses of the same whitener might be applied because it needs to be replenished, so the gel is sucked off the tray after 20 minutes, and then new batch is applied.
In about an hour, as you watch TV, listen to music or nap, your teeth will lighten and your natural whiteness will be restored through a completely safe process of oxidation.
After bleaching is completed, fluoride is applied to the teeth and left on for five minutes, to help minimize tooth hypersensitivity to hot and cold. The teeth are then washed off, the barrier material removed
The structure of the tooth is not changed; the color of the tooth is simply made lighter

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