Sunday, November 04, 2012

Holy Land


Cardinal bow down ath the birth place of Christ.
13 more after the break...

Holly Land [] Tomb of Jesus Christ.
Holly Land [] Mother Mary's tomb.
Holly Land [] Mother mary's idol at Dormition church.
Holly Land [] Place of ascension.Mark of the footstep of Christ is on the rock.
Holly Land [] Place where Jesus multiplied bread and fish.
Holly Land [] Golgotha-Crucifixio n place of Jesus.
Holly Land [] Jordan River, where John the Bapist baptised Jesus Christ.
Holly Land [] Statue of brass snake made by Moses to rescue Israelites from the bite of venomous snake.
Holly Land [] Alter in church of annunciation in Nazareth.
Holly Land [] City of Jerusalem.
Holly Land [] Dead sea.
Holly Land [] Grand old Olive trees in Gethsemane .

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