Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time to Sleep

Time to Sleep

There are few more beautiful sights than the contented face of a sleeping baby, but, as any new parent will tell you, the first few months may be quite tiring. Baby's first months are a time of adjustment for the whole family, and you will certainly have to cope with changes in your own sleep patterns. Parents have to learn to be flexible because newborns don't know the difference between day and night, and need to be fed when they are hungry. It also helps to remember that very young babies can't deliberately keep themselves awake or choose when to go to sleep!
Tips for sound sleeping
It's best to put your baby to sleep on his back or propped up on his side. Researchers believe this sleeping position may decrease a baby's chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
A baby under the age of one should never have a pillow in his crib and should not sleep on a thick comforter, as these pose a suffocation hazard. Large, stuffed toys are also suffocation hazards.
Avoid too much stimulation at bedtime, and try to create a sleep routine from the beginning. Putting your baby down to sleep in the same place and in the same way (depending on whether it is day or night) will help him to settle more quickly and help you to plan your day. If you are persistent, eventually your baby will pick up the routine and come to expect and appreciate it.
Make sure your baby is dry and well-fed before putting him to bed.
Make sure the room temperature is comfortable and the baby is away from drafts.
Some small babies feel more secure when wrapped snugly in a small sheet or blanket.
During their first three months, babies often suffer from colic, especially during the evening. Holding or walking with your baby with his head on your shoulder may help, as may placing him, tummy down, across your thighs and rocking him or rubbing his back. If he falls asleep during a feed, burp him on your shoulder for a few minutes before putting him down.
Just like adults, babies may have a hard time going to sleep when they are overtired. Therefore, your baby may have more trouble sleeping at night if he skips his daytime nap(s).
Babies who are teething can be cranky. Even after the pain is gone, the baby may take a few days to get back into a regular sleep routine.
Any change can put your baby's sleeping pattern temporarily off-balance. If you've moved him to another room, or even changed the position of his crib, it may take him a few days to readjust to his surroundings.
Sometimes a baby needs no more than an extra cuddle to settle him down for the night!

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