Sunday, November 11, 2012

Benefits of eating dried fruit during pregnancy

Benefits of eating dried fruit during pregnancy

Eating dates, prunes and dried figs during pregnancy has many benefits for women.
Eat up to seven pieces of dried fruit per day for the following benefits:
- Dried fibrous fruit such as dates and prunes grip the uterus, strengthening the uterus muscles and helping in the delivery process as well as reducing the bleeding that occurs after the delivery.
- Dried fruit contains a high percentage of natural sugar, which is easy to digest and absorb. These sugars are a great source of energy easily recognized and used by the body’s muscles. In some cases, the midwife may give the mother water mixed with sugar during and after pregnancy to prevent the body’s blood sugar levels dropping.
- Dried fruit behaves like a laxative, preventing constipation and cleaning the colon. Vegetables, particularly textured leafy vegetables like broccoli and spinach have a similar effect on the body. The delivery process is preceded by an enema to clean the colon.

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